Friday, 31 July 2020

Persuasive Writting

Persuasive Writing

This term we have been focusing on persuasive writing. Persuasive writing is trying to convince people of somthing. Our peice of writing was formed around this statment. The idea that zoos  are cruel and should be banned is... I disagreed with the statment and brainstormed three main points here is my writing.

I think that the idea that zoos are bad and should be banned is absurd. In fact I think that zoos help encourage people to care about climate change and the animals it's affecting.

My first reason that I disagree with the statement is that a lot of the animals in zoos have been found hurt or sick. Like Tahi the famous one legged kiwi. If Tahi was not found and treated by the zoo, he would have starved and died adding to the already diminishing population of kiwi. If we banned zoos hundreds of animals will face the same fate as Tahi but not make it out the other side.

My second reason is that zoos are keeping some of the rarest and most vulnerable animals in the world alive. In a zoo in Shanghai, lives two yangtze softshell turtles. They are the biggest and rarest turtles in the would. The black market trade for their shells became so big that the animal became extinct in the wild, only the two in the zoo were left. The male turtle in the zoo was unable to mate with the female. The turtles were getting older and soon even the female was going to be unable to mate. The species was thought to die. But in 2019 sightings became famous in a small lake of a giant turtle. Biologist Forrest Galante searched with his team and found and captured a wild male turtle. A turtle that was thought not to exist. The female and the new male were put in a lakeside sanctuary  and thanks to the zoo and Forrest's efforts, their population is finally rising again.

My third and final reason is the education given to the general public.  A study from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums showed that over 700 million people visit zoos every year. That's 700 million people getting new knowledge of the amazing animals that roam our planet.

So, do you want dozens more animals to go extinct. And people just to leave hurt and sick animals to die. NO! We want to keep zoos. Educate millions of people and save some of the most important animals in this world.
So let's keep zoos!!!

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Snip Snip Snip

                             Snip Snip Snip

Today in tech we were making hats for our school camp. We are going to Mt Ruapehu and every ski camp beanies are made so the teachers can see us on the mountain. Every hat is made from three sections of thick green material and three fluro pieces of cotton.  Before we can sew all these pecies of fabric, we need to cut every hat out. There are 17 kids in our classroom which means there were 51 base layers to cut out and 51 fleuro pieces. After 1 hour and 30 minutes we finished, ready to sew them together next week.